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Success Story: Local mom adopts seven children

She says she never wanted to adopt. She just wanted to be a foster mom and provide a stable home for kids. But two decades later, this local woman is now called mom by the seven children she has ad

She says she never wanted to adopt. She just wanted to be a foster mom and provide a stable home for kids. But two decades later, this local woman is now called mom by the seven children she has adopted. Meet Cathy, who is now teaching classes for prospective foster and adoptive parents and spreading the word about the need for good homes.

Cathy has had more than 75 foster children and of those 75, she has adopted seven.

It all started 20 years ago, Cathy had one biological son, Luke who is now 28, but suffered a miscarriage while trying to have a second child.

"We became foster parents because I lost a baby at five and a half months, so I thought I wanted to do some good for kids and so we got Nicholas at six weeks of age as a foster baby," explained Cathy.

They weren't planning to adopt, but when Nicholas became available for adoption, Cathy says they just couldn't say no. Then, they adopted Sara and even after Cathy and her husband divorced, Cathy continued to foster and adopt. Next, came Tisha, who's now 14. Then eight-year-old Jackson, seven-year-old Abbey, four-year-old Victoria and three-year-old Hank.

"It's given me a different outlook on life. They really need good homes and each one gives so much," said Cathy.

All of Cathy's children first came to her as newborns in need of a foster home.

"I can't do anymore. I've adopted my limit, but there's a lot of kids out there, even teenagers, older kids, that need homes," Cathy continued. "We need homes, we need foster homes, we need adoptive homes, we really do."

"It takes a lot of give, but they give so much back that it's worth it to me," noted Cathy. "To me, it's very rewarding, if I did it over I would do the same thing."

If you're interested in adopting or becoming a foster family, call 1-877-I-ADOPT-U.

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