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Back to the Future II - What the film got right about 2015

(CBS 8/CNN) - In an iconic scene from "Back to the Future II" Doctor Emmett Brown tells Marty McFly they are traveling to the future...October 21st, 2015 to be precise. Now that October 21st, 2015 ...
Back to the Future II - What the film got right about 2015

(CBS 8/CNN) - In an iconic scene from "Back to the Future II" Doc tells Marty McFly they are traveling to the future...October 21st, 2015 to be precise. Now that October 21st, 2015 has arrived (where are all the flying cars?) here's what the film, premiered in 1989, got right about the technology we are using now.

A lot of the stuff Marty McFly saw in the future is reality today. The headsets being worn at the dinner table? Well we have Google Glass. The headsets also look strikingly similar to Samsung's Gear VR and the Oculus Rift.

Another prediction the movie nailed was video conferencing. In one of the scenes Marty is fired from his job via a video conversation with his boss. Skype or FaceTime anyone?

Marty also had self-lacing shoes. In 2011, Nike auctioned off 1,500 replicas of the shoe from the movie but it was missing an important feature - power lacing. We're still waiting on the upgrade.

The movie also showed the Cubs finally winning the World Series - ending a more than 100 year drought that still exists today. With the Cubs in the playoffs, there's a fair chance this one can come true.

Of course, the one invention everyone wants is the hoverboard. Several companies have tried to make this childhood favorite. Lexus' concept featured one that must stay on a track and another company called Hendo created a concept that works on a particular type of surface.

Then there are the items that exist because of "Back to the Future II". Pepsi, for example, put out a limited edition Pepsi Perfect bottle just like the one Marty orders in the movie. Universal Pictures also released a fake trailer for Jaws 19.

All in all, 2015 has lived up to most of the promise from the movie "Back to the Future II". Of course a flying car would still be cool but we'll have to settle for drones for now.

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