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San Diego City Council one step closer to declaring housing a human right

Council members vote unanimously in favor of the city attorney drafting a resolution.

SAN DIEGO — The San Diego City Council moved one step closer toward a resolution that would declare housing a human right, just like food and water.

"Housing is a human right and we must make this declaration to ensure we as elected leaders and our whole community own our responsibility to take the actions necessary to ensure every San Diegan has a real opportunity to have the decent and stable housing necessary for a dignified and healthy life," said Council President Sean Elo-Rivera

At a news conference Monday morning, Elo-Rivera was joined by Council President Pro Tem Monica Montgomery-Steppe, and council members Joe LaCava, and Raul Campillo, all in support of the resolution.

During a special city council meeting, the council voted in favor of having the city attorney's office draft a resolution declaring housing a human right. Once that final draft is finished, the council will vote on the resolution. 

City Attorney Mara Elliott reminded the council a resolution like this could potentially open up the city to future lawsuits.

"A resolution is a legal document that can create enforceable rights," she said. "We make promises we can't keep we will likely be sued."

However, when asked if she was comfortable moving forward. She responded yes. 

Councilmember Elo-Rivera said the resolution declaring housing as a human right will serve as a guiding principle for the city in finding housing solutions for all San Diego residents. He says the resolution invites accountability in solving San Diego's most urgent problem. 

"This is the product of decisions that have been made over the years that have created the conditions we’re living in," said Elo-Rivera. "Today's action is an opportunity to boldly position ourselves and ask for accountability from our residents to ensure that everyone has access to this basic fundamental human right and human need."

According to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted by the United Nations General Assembly, housing is a component of the right to a standard of living adequate for everyone's health and well-being. The resolution before council declares housing as a human right linked to dignity and the right to life.

Councilmember Elo-Rivera says the resolution states the city council's intention to center equity in its efforts to implement housing as a human right and redress past harms, to ensure those who have historically not had access to adequate housing are prioritized.

The resolution also states the council's intention for the city to implement housing as a human right by considering policies that address the root causes of homelessness, that keep people housed through affordable, accessible, and habitable homes, and that provide pathways to housing for people experiencing homelessness.

Also a "Tenant Protections Ordinance Workshop," where councilmembers and other stakeholders can submit suggestions on a Tenant Protection Ordinance, will be held to help strengthen the rights of renters and prevent people from falling into homelessness.

The No-Fault Eviction Moratorium that passed in the spring expired on September 30. Now renters are open to a wide variety of reasons for evictions and finding another home including rent and security deposit could cost renters $8,000 or more.

WATCH RELATED: San Diego City Council votes to declare housing a human right 

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