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Prison inmate released after 30 years thanks to ‘Loyola Project for the Innocent.’

Humbert 'Beto' Duran was released from Richard J. Donovan State Prison in San Diego after his attorneys say he was wrongfully convicted 30 years ago.

SAN DIEGO — Humberto “Beto” Duran, who claims he was wrongfully convicted of murder and attempted murder charges, tasted freedom for the first time in thirty years Wednesday, January 11, thanks to the Loyola Project for the Innocent.  

Duran was released on parole from Donovan State Prison here in San Diego and CBS 8 was there for the happy reunion with family. 

“I’m feeling good, happy, unbelievable, I can’t believe I’m out,” said Duran, who embraced family members outside the walls of Donovan. 

“Words can’t even express how we feel, it’s been way too long, too many years,” said Duran’s sister, Veronica Ibarra. “We’ve been dreaming of this day forever and we still can’t believe it’s happening.” 

Duran was arrested in 1993 for the murder of Albert Gonzalez and the attempted murder of Monica Rivera in East Los Angeles. He claims he was falsely convicted and has maintained his innocence for the entire thirty years of his incarceration. 

“Beto’s case stuck out from the very beginning,” said Megan Baca, Assistant Legal Director of Loyola Project for the Innocent, a nonprofit that has been fighting for Duran’s release.  “There was only one witness who testified against him at trial. There were a number of alibi witnesses available to testify at trial, but his trial attorney just chose not to call them. In fact, his trial attorney went on the record in court and said, ‘I won’t be putting on a defense for Beto.’” 

That lawyer was disbarred sometime after Duran’s conviction, according to Baca. Now after his release on parole, they plan to present new evidence to the court this month, and they’re confident his conviction will be overturned. 

“They gave him his life back and he’s actually going to have a life now,” said sister, Elizabeth Duran. “He missed thirty years of his life, but nothing will give him that back, the time with his family, to make a family, but he still has time to enjoy us and that’s what matters most.” 

During their reunion, Duran’s mother could be heard crying while hugging her son tightly. Duran was asked what activities he is looking forward to doing with his newfound freedom. 

“I would like to go fishing and read some books, go to Disneyland with my parents,” said Duran. 

After the heartfelt reunion, Duran’s family loaded into their car because they had special plans. 

“We’re going straight home to my parent’s home to celebrate Christmas,” said Elizabeth. “We still have a Christmas tree at our house.  We still have the house decorated.  We kept everything up.” 

Undoubtedly, it will be a Christmas celebration Duran won’t soon forget.   

“Open my gifts and cherish the moment for all these years that I missed Christmas,” said Duran while hugging his mother. “Looking forward to another Christmas and the New Year’s.”

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