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Succulent Cafe: That special place

In a small courtyard in downtown Oceanside, you'll find a cafe that's tucked away.

OCEANSIDE (CBS 8) - In a small courtyard in downtown Oceanside, you'll find a cafe that's tucked away.

Everybody needs that special place, an oasis, a secret garden, they can call their own. Welcome, my friends, to the Succulent Cafe.

"Something unique, something special, something quiet. A nice atmosphere that's downtown, but feels like you are miles away," Peter Loyola said.

On north Cleveland Street right in the heart of the city, Peter Loyola has turned an unadorned courtyard into a garden of succulent delights.

"The only things that were here where the palm tree and the vines on the wall. That was it," he said.

Peter has canvassed the walls of the cafe with living, growing works of art.

"That's an example of a vertical garden, it's a growing trend, given that space is very limited.}

There are hanging vines.

"I wanted that look of a natural drapery, so we have a form of succulent breaking down there," Peter said.

It sets the perfect mood for a morning brew.

"Everything from coffee, tea, espresso, cappuccinos. We have smoothies, we have pastries in the morning," Peter said.

The Succulent Cafe is geared to stimulate as well as caffeinate. Most of the plants here are for sale.

"People feel like they want to do their own arrangements, they can pick up a plant and do it themselves," Peter said.

This is not just another coffee shop.

"It's a free venue for local artists to come and display their art. Art's meant to be seen, and that's my goal. Whether it's in the form of music or art, come out, get your music heard and get your art seen," Peter said.

But the Succulent Cafe isn't about over stimulation. It's all about relaxation.

"It's a place to chillax, relax and enjoy," Peter said.

It's a special place, a secret place. But then, I know this secret's safe with you.

Succulent Cafe
322 N Cleveland Street
Oceanside, CA
(760) 717-9612

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