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Parole hearing postponed for Pacific Beach rapist

Victims said they would continue the fight to keep him locked up.

SAN DIEGO — Known back then as the Pacific Beach rapist, he attacked at least seven women over a two year period in the early 1990s. Kenneth Bogard was eventually arrested and sentenced to 96 years in prison. His victims thought that was the end of it. They believed they would never have to deal with him again. Then the law changed making him eligible for parole.

Kim Caldwell had the courage to be a public face in the fight for justice. She vocally called out authorities until they finally made the series of rapes a priority. That led to Bogard's arrest and conviction.

It happened more than 30 years ago, but there are still details about that night Kim clearly remembers, including waking up to a stranger on top of her and a knife to her throat. 

“Blade marks all up and down and then I had scrapes from the jagged edge or whatever on my chin,” Kim said Wednesday pointing to her neck. “I thought for sure I was gushing blood.”

Kim, who now lives in Virginia, came to San Diego for Bogart's parole hearing Wednesday. He wasn't supposed to be released from custody before the year 2043, but because of prison overcrowding, inmates over 50 who have served at least 20 years are eligible for something called "elderly parole". 

“Basically it was to let out drug dealers that got long sentences for selling weed,” Kim said. “That's how I remember it and why they didn't exclude sexual predators, I have no idea.”

Kim says Bogard still hasn't taken responsibility for his actions and believes that's a sign he'll rape again. And she's not alone. 

“I'm not concerned about me anymore, I'm more concerned about what might happen if he gets out,” said Helen Toma, Bogard’s second victim. 

It's the first time she's ever spoken on camera about the attack. She joined Kim at an AirBNB in Pacific Beach to testify at Wednesday's parole hearing. They wanted Bogard, who is in a prison in Northern California, to see them at the beach while he's behind bars. But just as it was about to get started, the hearing got postponed because Bogard's attorney called out sick.

Both women call the delay disappointing, but Helen also sees a positive side. 

“The thing I'm glad about is that I know he's definitely in jail for at least four to six more months,” she said.

The women say it's hard to relive what they went through, but the pain is worth it to prevent anyone else from becoming a victim. 

“I will do everything in my power, everything in my power to stop that,” Kim said, adding that she will come back to San Diego when the hearing is rescheduled in four to six months.

RELATED: PB rapist sentenced to 96 years in prison is up for parole

Watch Related: PB rapist sentenced to 96 years in prison is up for parole (May 2, 2024)

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