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Out & About: Rent yourself a luxury pop-up picnic

Pop-Up picnic is for romantic nights, girls night, engagements, bachelorette parties, weddings the list goes on!

You ever want to go have a picnic but are too lazy to cook and pack things up? Yeah, me too.

Now you can rent yourself a luxury pop-up picnic!

Wait. Picnics are supposed to be luxury? Well, these are!

Pop-Up Picnic was created by San Diegan Lauren Kimmons. She's an entrepreneur and mother. Lauren takes care of all the details... she scouts the perfect location for you, she brings the food and sets everything up to make it look amazing. The best part? She cleans it up, too! So when you're done with your picnic, you can walk off into the sunset. Or roll yourself into bed, depending on how much you ate. Pop-Up picnic is for romantic nights, girls night, engagements, bachelorette parties, weddings the list goes on! One other great thing about Pop-Up Picnic is that Lauren works with local businesses to get the food and decorations. 



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