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Loved ones celebrate local 102-year-old fighter pilot's legendary life

Family and friends shared their memories of Brigadier General Robert Cardenas and the legacy he left behind.

SAN DIEGO COUNTY, Calif. — The life of a local veteran, highly regarded in the world of military aviation, was celebrated Thursday. 

Family and friends shared their memories of Brigadier General Robert Cardenas and the legacy he left behind.  

He passed away three weeks ago on his 102nd birthday. He was laid to rest by his loved ones at Miramar National Cemetery. 

During his career, he tested jet fighters in the Korean War, flew combat missions during Vietnam and was a bomber pilot in World War II. 

He earned many awards during his decades-long career.  

“A Distinguished Flying Cross from combat, Air Medals, Oak Leaf Clusters, Purple Heart and on and on. He retired in 1973 after 34 years of giving his heart to this country,” said Dennis Schoville, the chairman for Miramar National Cemetery Support Foundation and friend of General Cardenas. 

General Cardenas became a powerful voice for veterans and made lasting impacts in the community. He helped found the Miramar National Cemetery and establish a veteran’s memorial at Balboa Park with the help of his friend George Welsh.  

“It’s really awesome to make that connection and see what he did. You can’t say that about a lot of folks,” said George Welsh, the director of the Air Force Flight Test Museum. 

The general’s son, Michael Cardenas, is a retired Air Force colonel. He said his father’s character inspired him. 

“I finally figured out it wasn’t about trying to match his achievements,” he said. “It was about trying to be the kind of guy he was. He loved his country.”  

He said General Cardenas hoped to have a B-2 flyover at his funeral and described the moment the plane flew overhead. 

“I felt like in a way, it was a perfect send off for him and as if he was actually in the plane flying it and leaving us,” he said. 

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