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AI tech is helping San Diego firefighters tackle fires faster

Multiple agencies helped contain the Bunnie Fire in Ramona that burned nearly 200 acres.

RAMONA, Calif. — The Bunnie fire threatened Ramona homes and structures but fast-acting firefighters kept the flames from reaching any structures and firefighters are crediting their resources and technology for the success. 

Wind and dry brush can quickly cause flames to spread. That’s why firefighters throughout California are on a mission to keep fires 10 acres or less. 

When Wednesday’s Bunnie fire in Ramona broke out, the fire was moving at a critical rate of speed and multiple agencies needed to tackle it. 

"We knew it was hot and windy so we’re going to send a lot of equipment. The incident commander decided we needed more so they ordered some more," said Capt. Michael Cornette, Cal Fire.

Not only did Cal Fire arrive on scene, but also the United States Forestry from Colorado, National Guard hand crews, inmates, as well as City of San Diego and crews from throughout the county worked to contain the flames. In all, a total of 184 acres burned. 

“There were ashes falling in our backyard and everything. It was kind of scary," said Laura Nelson, resident.  

“We’re pleased, we had zero structure damage. We did have some structures threatened off of Little Klondike and Chuck Wagon," said Cornette. 

Technology is also helping firefighters. 

“We did have an AI success story," said Cornette. 

On Sunday, Artificial Intelligence alerted them of a fire in the Cleveland National Forest in Mt. Laguna.  

"The camera was alerted, because it checks for abnormalities in the camera feed and it (AI) caught that fire before it started to get big," said Cornette.

The cameras and AI alerts are part of a $20 million project between Cal Fire and University of California San Diego.

The cameras are all over the state of California and into Oregon and Washington and Idaho. 

That alert gave fire crews the upper hand. 

"We dispatched a response up there and kept it to 1/10 of an acre and that was all before the first 9-1-1 call," said Cornette .

These efforts are reassuring for residents, but firefighters and many others still remember the Cedar fire and Witch Creek fire from the past. 

"There’s always that chance that the fire might escape that’s why we have fire crews out here. We have 130 working today," said Cornette.  

WATCH RELATED: Bunnie Fire in Ramona stopped at nearly 200 acres, 20% contained 


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