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Complaints of loud construction noise at $43M Del Mar home

A Del Mar home that neighbors say is owned by Bill Gates is gaining a lot of attention lately due to the beach-front home being under construction.

DEL MAR, Calif. — Trying to get a closer look beyond the tall, tan screens in this barricaded home construction project on Ocean Front Road, Del Mar Dog Beach goers stop and glance.

"It's very expensive to live on the beach in Del Mar,” said Kathy and Dennis Paluch, who grew up in Del Mar but now resides in Chicago.

Neighbors say the home being built belongs to multi-billionaire Microsoft giant Bill Gates, but the San Diego County Assessor's Office says the owner is listed as "2808 OF TRUST." 

There is a security guard posted out front at all hours. Construction workers are seen lugging supplies in and closing the gate behind them.

When the $43 million oceanfront estate was purchased in 2020, it had six bedrooms, a 10-person jacuzzi and became the second most expensive home sale in San Diego County history.

"I think it's wonderful, more power to him, and he could've been anywhere else in the world, but he came to San Diego,” said Del Mar Resident Jim Smith.

Longtime Del Mar residents say there has been a lot of talk about the loud construction noise along Ocean Front Road.

"I guess all the neighbors are really upset about it, especially, the ones who live next-door because it's going to be like that for a year I bet, you know. But why re-do it? I mean, it was already on the beach and a beautiful home, but I guess if you can, you can,” said Del Mar Resident Leslie Smith.

Kathy and Dennis Paluch were walking their senior dog Lola at Dog Beach. Kathy Paluch said she remembers when Del Mar was just a little one-stoplight beach town.

“There’s so many people of means here in Del Mar, so he is just one more. I imagine if you’re spending your vacation here, it is hard to wake up at 7 a.m. with everybody with their jackhammers,” Paluch said.

As for complaints of non-stop noise, the Del Mar City Manager Ashley Jones says its Code Enforcement Department has not received a single complaint regarding 24/7 construction activity or related noise at 2808 Ocean Front Avenue in Del Mar.

In a statement, Jones says:

"The City has continued to enforce the conditions of the encroachment permit for construction related deliveries and staging and has responded promptly to any alleged violations to ensure compliance."

One longtime Del Mar resident named Sam at 85-years-old says he recalls days that Lucille Ball, Desi Arnaz and Jimmy Durante had Del Mar beachfront homes, and now, the talk is about sightings of Bill Gates.

"Somebody said that he was here looking it over with two vans, and he had the security guards with him. You got millionaires complaining about billionaires,” he said.

With the former home gutted, and the new one in the works, neighbors are keeping a close eye on it along the way.

"Oh yeah, we will be walking down here watching it for sure. That's why we walked over here today because we said let's see what's going on with it, to be honest," said Smith. 

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